Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Journey Begins

This is a test run for my new blog which is soley meant as a travel journal for the 2010 Sisters on the Fly New Orleans Giddy Up and will also include Bob's and my travels beyond New Orleans.

Most of you know about the NO Giddy UP. I have certainly bored enough of you with my chattering ons and my exitement. But for those very few who are wondering what in the hell is going on, let me get you up todate:

As you may or may not know I belong to a women's group known as Sisters on the Fly.
Fly fishing and adventures are certainly the foscus but you don't have to fly fish or fish at all. There badgets (much like Girls Scout badges) that you can earn in cocktail making, attending Cowgirl College where you round up and brand cattle, cooking bread in a dutch oven over a camp fire, etc. I will include a complete list in a future posting.

We have three rules: No Men, No Kids, No Pets. There are " Mister Sister" events once a year so the men, kids and dogs don't feel totally left out.

There is so much more about this group but I need to move on before you fall asleep. You will get the idea as I do more postings

The annual national gathering of the Sisters for 2010, is being hosted by our fabulous Southern Sisters in New Orleans, April 5 thru April 11. There are a lot of planned activities and you will be hearing about all of them through this blog.

I will be pulling The Double Bar O in a caravan with my Northern and Southern California Sisters and, no doubt, meeting up with the Arizona gals as well as others.

So, this is my first posting and you are invited to check in for updates and photos, if I can get that figured out. You are also welcome to reply to my blog as well.

So, now the preparation and costume making begins.

Annie B