Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We are in motion now for the Giddy Up. Things are happening.

The California Sisters' Caravan is shaping up - there will be 7 Sisters and 6 trailers hitting the road. Although our route is still a little squishy we are pretty much set. Some of the overnight RV reservations have been made and it looks as though WalMart will be graced with our presence in the far out parking lot as Plan B.

Three of us will be leaving 3/28 from Northern California and meeting up with Sisters in Visalia heading out the 29th for Blythe, CA. We will be joined there by 2 other Sisters coming from the LA area. We are then on the way to Arizona, New Mexico and arriving in Round Top Texas for the Flea Market/Antique/Junk extravaganza for 4/2, 4/3 and on our way to New Orleans/Morgan City Easter Sunday. Unfortunately, we will be missing the Junk Gypsies' Prom on 4/1 but it will be just one more costume I don't have to worry about. Still I bet it would have been alot of fun.

What? You thought we weren't going to stop and do some shopping along the way? Pleeezzzee.....

Wonder if SOTF have a badge for shopping like we do for fishing and cocktail making? Hmmm. Maurrie?

A very wonderful addition to my trip will be my good friend Janet. She is joining me at Round Top. She was "in" the minute I sent her the website and she found out that they have "people on site to take care of shipping". Could it possibly have been any better of a reason? Janet will fly into Austin or San Antonio. We will shop till we both drop. She will stay on the caravan until Monday and then back to the real world for her.

Quickly, my niece's husband was up for a week mid January to work on The Double Bar O and her ongoing problem of no running lights. After much labor, he found the short, fixed it and everything was wonderful until we hooked her up to take her back to storage and - no running lights!!!!

He will be back in March, hopefully, if he hasn't fled the country, to install bumper lights with an outside switch.

Jon worked on other areas of the trailer and outside of a really bad dry rot problem - he doesn't think the left rear corner will collapse under tow - she is really getting to great shape.

Bored yet? Okay, so here is a photo of my finch feeder which is always extremely busy. We have a Barn Owl's nesting box 12 feet up in one of our oak trees to encourage the owl to eat all the damn gophers that are in our lawn. We will see.......

Take care of one another and Let the Good Times Roll..............